Thursday 8 December 2011

Bolton PSC and Innocent Jews

The point of contact for the Bolton PSC branch is someone going by the name John and using the email address "". The same email address is used on comments by a user called "John Somebody" e.g. here, here and here.

In one comment using that email address and alias, John says:
A pity, that people fail to notice, that if Palestinians had the hi - tech weapons that Israelis have, they could then be more specific in their choice of targets. So, genuinely innocent Israelis, (babies etc.) would be hit less, and more valuable targets, like the Israeli Death Force would be hit more.
It isn't immediately clear who else besides babies are innocent in his eyes but another comment by a user with the same name says:
So, David thinks that Hamas are lobbing Qassams at Sderot. I suppose Israelis have a right to protect their innocent children, but they can do that, by clearing off, out of stolen land. And if we believe that the Israeli state / society has a right to protect itself, then we’d have to believe that a state / society which depends on ethnic ” cleansing”, to exist, has a right to exist. Well, it doesn’t.
Israeli children are innocent but Israel has no right to self defence therefore if Israelis want to keep their children alive they must leave Israel. Of course, while John talks about Israelis here he only means Jews since there is little doubt that he is not calling on non-Jews to "clear off" out of Israel. John seems to think that all Jews should leave Israel regardless of their actions or beliefs.

Repeating the suggestion that Israelis have no right to defend themselves, John asks:
I wish some arch zionasty would explain to me how Arabs could not want to drive them into the sea – without being rational enough to accept, that not all Jews, are to blame for invading and theiving, what was never invaded by Palestinians. If Arabs are required to be rational enough, to allow innocent Jews to live in peace, then zio – thugs require those same Arabs to be more reasonable, to have a higher morality, than the aggressive invaders.
Why should a state that depends on racist motivated murder in order to exist, be allowed to defend itself, or anything?
While John appears to accept that Jews ought not to be murdered en masse, he also appears to think that the genocidal wishes of Arabs to Jews is understandable and that Jews really can't complain too much if Arabs want to murder them all.

And what of Jews outside Israel? In a comment after this report on anti-Semitic attacks in Manchester, John (using the email address above) lays the blame on Zionists for making people think that all Jews are Zionists and therefore legitimate targets for attacks.
This does not detract from the fact that racist thuggery, no matter who it's from isn't some thing we can afford to tolerate. But while innocent Jews suffer racism, some of it is a consequence of zionists being so succesful at convincing people that to be Jewish, is to be zionist, and therefore associating Jews with modern state practitioners of genocidal ethnic "cleansing", and with their supporters who behave like brownshirts on the streets of Manchester. That the provocation comes from someone other than innocent Jews, does not detract from the fact, that it sometimes comes from someone labelled as racists, by racist zionists. And even sometimes from someone who has been confused into believing such lies as zionists tell themselves.
Does John think that the only Jews who shouldn't be attacked are those who want a Jew-free Middle East?

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Monday 5 December 2011

PSC is Powerless

The Palestine Solidarity Campaign (PSC) is in crisis. In recent months, branch after branch has been found to be tainted by antisemitism. The PSC's response has been to quietly encourage certain members to step down but this has been met with vocal opposition. One crucial question is what can the PSC do to rid its branches of those who would deny the Holocaust or who believe in anti-Jewish myths?

Based on my understanding of the structure of the PSC, the answer is not very much at all.

There are three key documents. The first is the Articles of Association of the PSC, the second is the PSC constitution and the third is the constitution of local branches (examples can be found here, here and here).

Local branches are almost entirely independent of the PSC according to 11(b) of the Articles. Their members are to be encouraged to become members of the PSC (see section 3 of the branch constitutions) but need not be. The PSC constitution does try and ensure that at least the officers of local branches are member of the PSC but it doesn't appear to be entirely successful. The relevant clause is 5.3(b) which says that branch constitutions must include:
A requirement for elected officers to be members of PSC.
However, the constitution of the York branch, for one, doesn't appear to contain any such requirement. How many other branches are in breach of this?

So what control does the PSC actually have over a rogue branch? The only thing they can do is disaffiliate, according to 4.5 of the constitution and 3(h) of the Articles. And the only thing that comes from disaffiliation is that branches cannot use the PSC name or logo.

The PSC is powerless, in effect, to control its branches. Disaffiliation is such a major step that it would surely only be used in extreme circumstances. And even if it is used, the local branch retains all the money it previously raised while using the PSC name and its members are still members.

It would appear that even if the PSC did decide to get serious about tackling antisemitism and Holocaust denial in its branches it really can't do anything without effectively closing itself down and restarting. It may be time for those who are genuinely opposed to racism to start considering that option.

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Monday 19 September 2011

Redress Information & Analysis

The Redress Information & Analysis website claims to be:
an independent, privately-funded, non-profit-making website dedicated to exposing injustice, disinformation and bigotry, and to providing thought-provoking interpretations of current affairs.
It publishes numerous articles by Gilad Atzmon, including one where he calls the Nazi death marches:
A slightly confusing narrative. If the Nazis were interested in annihilating the entire European Jewish population as suggested by the orthodox Zionist Holocaust narrative, then it is rather ambiguous as to just what led them to march what was left of European Jewry into their crumbling Nazi fatherland at a time when it was clear that they were losing the war. The two narratives i.e. “annihilation” and “death march”, seem to contradict each other. The issue deserves further elaboration. I would just suggest that the reasonable answers I have come across may severely damage the Zionist Holocaust narrative.
Another article is written by Paul Eisen (who finds the Holocaust deniers' case "compelling") in which he says:
The Holocaust too has come under assault. Over the last 50 years, revisionist scholars have amassed a formidable body of substantial evidence, which runs in direct opposition to the traditional Holocaust narrative. "Where is the evidence," they say, "for this alleged gargantuan mass-murder? Where are the documents? Where are the traces and remains? Where are the weapons of murder?" These revisionists all acknowledge, of course, that there was a terrible assault on Jews on the part of the National Socialist government, but disagree as to the scale, motive and methods cited in the typical narrative, a narrative that most of us choose or are obliged to accept.
An article by Paul Balles says:
Benjamin Freedman, an anti-Zionist Jew, said in 1961: ”The Zionists and their co-religionists rule these United States as though they were the absolute monarchs of this country."

Freedman went on to explain that the Eastern European Jews who form 92 per cent of the world's population of so-called Jews were originally Khazars, a Mongoloid race forced out of Asia into Eastern Europe. They were Pagans who converted to the Talmudic faith.

To quote Freedman further: "There wasn't one of them who had an ancestor who ever put a toe in the Holy Land. Not only in Old Testament history, but back to the beginning of time. And yet they come to the Christians and ask to help repatriate God's Chosen People to their Promised Land."

"Could there be a bigger lie than that?" Freedman asks. "Because they control the newspapers, the magazines, the radio, the television, the book publishing business, and because they have the ministers in the pulpit and the politicians on the soapboxes talking the same language, it is not too surprising that you believe that lie."
There's also Stuart Littlewood's article about Jewish "over-representation" in the Commons and an article, apparently written by the editor of the site, which says:
Mr Lewis is also a trustee of the Holocaust Educational Trust, a body founded in 1988 by British pro-Israel lobbyists Greville Janner and Merlyn Rees with the aim of maintaining a culture of gentile guilt and Jewish victimhood in British schools.
These are just some of the articles which serve to give a taste of the site.

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Thursday 15 September 2011

PSC Branches Linking to Holocaust Denying Website

The Palestine Think Tank website effectively closed down in February 2011. However, while the old website is not available, there is evidence regarding its anti-Semitism.

A video by Anthony Lawson was posted by the Palestine Think Tank in March 2010. In this video, Lawson says:
All over the world Zionists build museums and memorials to their Holocaust and strive to put people in gaol for what is more properly described as historical research but which they call Holocaust denial or revisionism; an attempt to prohibit enquiry into even the more questionable aspects of the alleged events which took place in forced labour camps during the Nazi era.
While he is narrating these lines, the video shows photos of well-known Holocaust deniers Ernst Zundel, Germar Rudolf, Robert Faurisson, David Irving, Sylvia Stolz and Gerald Toben.

The journal of the Anti-Racist Action, Turning The Tide, published the following in its October/December 2010 issue [pdf]:
In TTT Vol. 23 #2, April-June 2010 we printed “International Campaign in Support of Palestinian Political Prisoners” by Yousef Abudayyeh. This article was originally published on the Palestine Think Tank website where Abudayyeh is a regular contributor. That site has published a direct attack against Rose City Antifa and the Anti-Racist Action Network written by the webmaster for Eugene, Oregon’s Pacifica Forum, another pro-Nazi, anti-Semitic project. One of the Think Tank’s founders, “ex-Jew” Gilad Atzmon, has circulated pro-Zündel material. He has written that “throughout the centuries, Jewish bankers bought for themselves some real reputations of backers and financers of wars and even one communist revolution.” (Atzmon’s article was pulled from Palestine Think Tank but remains on his personal site.) A particularly disturbing aspect of Palestine Think Tank is its promotion of “Israeli organ harvesting” allegations, a modern-day variant of the earlier Blood Libel that alleged that Jewish people killed Christian and Muslim children to use their blood in religious rituals. Yousef Abudayyeh, whose article appeared in TTT, signed on to Palestine Think Tank’s promotion of the “organ harvesting” libel. 
A fuller account can be found here .

Despite this (at least) the Bradford and Waltham Forest branches of the PSC linked to it. So do the Halifax Friends of Palestine and the Liverpool Friends of Palestine, both of which are affiliated with the PSC.

The link now redirects to the Sabbah Report. Some of their stuff is posted below.

IMPORTANT: The following is how this post used to read before I found out that the Sabbah Report is not the same website as the Palestine Think Tank.

The website redirects to the Sabbah Report. A post on it from May 2008 announces the launch of so it's not clear whether the two were originally separate or not.

In any case, the website hosts holocaust denial material. Numerous videos from Anthony Lawson are embedded on the site including one entitled "Holocaust, Hate Speech & Were the Germans so Stupid?" Whoever embedded it added in the headline "Must Watch". Early on, the video states:
"Having been tortured, Rudolf Höss, who was the commander of Auschwitz from 1940 to 1943, almost certainly lied to save the lives of his wife and children. Even if torture and duress cannot not be proven, the overwhelming reason for recognizing the utter falsity of the Höss confession is that the gassing method he described was not scientifically plausible."
The page includes links to Ernst Zundel's website, the Institute for Historical Review and, amusingly, a website among other similar sites.

Another article, written by Gordon Duff says:
"Israel pushes the focus of holocaust denial into worship of Hitler, not accurate documentation of factual history so that innocent researchers like Ernst Zundel are imprisoned."
There are a number of other articles of concern as well.

Despite all this (at least) the Bradford and Waltham Forest branches of the PSC link to it. So do the Halifax Friends of Palestine and the Liverpool Friends of Palestine, both of which are affiliated with the PSC.

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Tuesday 13 September 2011

Brent PSC Founder and Fake Jews

According to the Facebook group of Brent PSC, it was founded by three people including Maha Rahwanji who now acts as the voice of the Facebook group. The group is really a fake person called "Brent Psc". They have lots of "Activities and Interests". One of these is the cause (on "Israel is not a country".

In the "About" section of this group they say:
80-90% of Jews today are “Ashkenazi “ (which is the term for European Jews that are descendants of converts, unrelated to the original tribes of Israel, and speak Yiddish, not Hebrew). 80-90% of all Jews in the world today are not even Semites! In fact, in “Israel” Sefardic and Mizrachi Jews (Arab, Iranian, north African, or middle eastern Jews, for examples), the real Jews of the Torah, are discriminated against heavily in many aspects!
Maha has also signed a petition (number 124) to the Board of Directors of the University of Trondheim which says:

The ready made clarion swords are unsheathed against all who dare criticize Israel using the most vile of words, especially the world’s most intimidating Scarlet Letter, “A”, for “Anti-Semite”, although the far majority of Jews today are not Semites.    The dishonorable use of Holocaust guilt and the false propaganda that Israel is constantly facing an existential threat ensures silence of all debates which only perpetuates the occupation of Palestinian land. [emphasis added]
Maha Rahwanji has her own account on Facebook where her profile picture is:
UPDATE: Maha Rahwanji is a member of the Executive Committee of the PSC.

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Southampton PSC

Southampton PSC has a series of videos embedded on their site. One is about supposed pro-Israel bias at the BBC. This video was created by Anthony Lawson. He told an interviewer that:
it seems that there is no solid evidence that Germany put in train a plan to systematically murder Jews using gas chambers. I have no doubt that some Germans were as cruel as some of those bombing-raid planners, and that a lot of unnecessary deaths resulted from that cruel streak, which seems to show itself in so many humans, but I do not think that the facts support the planned systematic-extermination scenario that the ever-growing number of Holocaust museums claim was perpetrated by the Germans.

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.

Lambeth and Wandsworth PSC

On the Lambeth and Wandsworth PSC Facebook group is a discussion entitled "Death Penalty: A Zionist State of Assasins !!" The discussion consists of one post which includes the following paragraph:
Israel is out of this debate [regarding the death penalty], simply because it is so “democratic” and never committed such a punishment but once in 1962 against Eichmann, the Nazi. The human blood and life for Israel is so precious, specially the jewish one as it never executed anyone from the “chosen people”, the beloved sons of God !!! Can you believe this? I don’t, simply because I have witnessed the mass-killing Israel executing the whole people of Palestine. Inside “israel” the conditions are perfect for the jew “citizen” but in the occupied West Bank, it is hell for the occupied natives !!!

Please read the posts about Defining Anti-Semitism and the nature of Internet evidence before forming conclusions. Copies of evidence are available upon request.